Network Configuration
IP Address:
Lode Grid
Disabling the Lode Grid will mean you can no longer use the Lode Control applications such as iOS and desktop apps to control multiple Lode units on the same network.

Disabling the Grid can be useful is deploying a number of Lode units on the same network that don't require their music configurations to be shared and are controlled by a third party control system.
Changing this setting will cause this Lode unit to reboot.

Lode Grid Enabled
Protocol Configuration
Set the transport protocol for Lode's audio distribuion below. Default is unicast, if using multicast, please ensure that multicast filtering is enabled on your network.

Lodenet Transport Protocol
System Boot Delay
If this device is connected to switches that take a few minutes to boot in event of power failure, you can set a boot delay for Lode below.

System Boot Delay